
Return to School for all classes: Thursday 29th August 2024

Mid-Term Break: Monday 28th October 2024 to Friday 1st November 2024 inclusive.  

Christmas Holidays - Final Day of Term 1: Friday 20th December 

School re-opens: Monday 6th January 2025

St Brigid's Bank Holiday: 3rd Februaury 2025

Mid-Term Break: Thursday 20th February and Friday 21st February 2025 inclusive.

St. Patrick's Day Bank Holiday: Monday 17th March 2025 and closed Tuesday 18th March (additional day).

Easter Holidays - Final Day of Term 2: Friday 11th April 2025

School re-opens: Monday 28th April 2025

May Bank Holiday: Monday 5th May

June Bank Holiday: Monday 2nd June

Final Day of Term 3: Tuesday 24th June 2025 (Summer Break)


School calendar may be updated or amended

Standard school day - Junior Infants and Senior Infants

9:20am - 2:00pm

-- Junior Infants will finish at 12:00pm for week 1 and week 2.

9:20am - 12:00pm

Standard school day - All other classes

9:20am - 3:00pm

* Please adhere to drop-off and pick-up rules. More information will follow on this.

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